Welcome to the NEW World!
Ready for the future?? Check this out!
SO happy!
A little over 2 years ago I helped one of my dearest friends purchase her first home with her darling fiance'. We found the new construction and got them under-contract for their home to-be-built. We…
Rock & Rolling~*
Check-out this site for a great deal! Bargains by Bria**
Today is National Pancake Day and what better way to celebrate than to head on over to IHOP for FREE pancakes!!! SCREAMING DEAL!
Forecast Breakfast
Rent raised 8%. Tsunami of foreclosures Inventory is super low SLC valley has the lowest. Demand is high for new construction Price will be driven up by 10-12%!!!!! Price acceleration all last year. 2004 will…
Spread the word
I was diagnosed with cancer when I was 25 and ever since then I have been very particular about what goes on or in my body. That being said I helped my cute friend buy…
Utah-ns PLEASE be advised!!!
It has been advised that all pregnant women and children stay inside due to the current weather conditions. Check this OUT!
Organizing Tips!
I just got home from a listing appointment and realized I need to provide some tips and tricks to get one's home ready to sell. I told my new clients that they will be moving…