-Knowledge of local market value. I am trained to estimate value, condition, etc for homes.
-Money saving negotiating skills. As a Realtor as well as a University of Utah Graduate in Conflict Management I have the ability to stay calm and in control.
-Lien and encumbrance protection. I will assure you are fully protected with a responsible/caring Title Company.
-A database of ready and willing buyers. By combining my own SEO with Judy’s, we have a large database filled with fabulous people that also know people. My husband teases me that he cannot take me anywhere without me knowing at least ten people. Ha ha what can I say~I LOVE people!
-Money saving protection against fee overcharges. I cannot even begin to explain the importance of having me by your side during any real estate transaction. In my own personal deal (our home that is closing THIS week) I was able to avoid over 4 grand in closing costs by being well educated and knowing loan terminology. I also know MANY people in the industry and I am well liked, therefore allowing me the opportunity to be in connection with many people that are ready and willing to help in anyway that they can be of any service.

Board of Reaktors

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